Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One of my top 3 photos

That is to say, of the photos I have ever taken, this one ranks amongst my top 3.

From time to time I like to write a blog post which has nothing ( too much) to do with my dental practice. Well almost. I found this photo from about 1971/2 whilst looking through old photos, some of which will be displayed in the practice on our open day on July 1st. Those will be more personal. This on the other hand is something else.


I studied Dentistry in at the University of Manchester Dental School in the early 1970s.

During that time I began to explore photography as a hobby and bought my first serious camera and lenses, second-hand from another dentist working at the Dental Hospital- A Pentax ( probably a Spotmatic) system I recall.

Living in one of the halls of residence, I had the opportunity to use their own darkroom and develop and print my own black and white photos on 10x8 paper- For the photo geeks, probably on ISO 400 film (Manchester was always overcast or raining- well almost always anyway) and using Ilford paper.

One day while roaming the streets of Manchester looking for opportunities to take some candid photographs, I came across this scene on a briefly sunny day.

The chap in the photo was in a world of his own totally oblivious to me, sitting in a garage, amongst a row of terraced houses just behind the Manchester City football ground- Maine Rd.  I hope you like it too.

1 comment:

Dr.Richard Charon BDS said...

For some reason the photo, which posted correctly this morninig, has been stripped out of this blog post. I'll upload it again soon. Sorry.
PLease Try again later
Richard Charon