Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Fastest Tooth-Smiths in the West

Yesterday we were surely the fastest tooth-smiths in the West (Berks. that is) since Doc. Holliday
(He was a Wild West Dentist in case you had forgotten) and delivering the ultimate world-class service. Here is the story ...

We had arranged a lunchtime meeting with David Claridge, someone who I had worked with for many years as a dental technician and who now is a rep. for 3M

He had come, prepared with lunch for the team, to educate us all about 3M mini implants, designed to stabilise loose dentures.  We were all gathered around the monitor in the patient lounge.  I was crouched down with David just fixing the screen display and volume. The team were settling down with coffee and just starting to tuck into their M&S lunch, when a man appeared at the reception are door, panting, out of breathe, saying, “ Can anyone please help me, I‘m on a coach trip , my front tooth has just broken off and I only have 20 minutes before the coach leaves.”

David and I looked at each other and simultaneously said,  “ You couldn’t make this up”.
Quick as a flash, the team sprang into action. One dentist and two dental nurses. Within moments the patient was sitting in my dental chair having a medical history taken. Fortunately he was well accustomed to dental treatment. Unfortunately he presented me with a porcelain dental crown, inside of which was the rest of his tooth, which had snapped off level with the gum. 

On one side of the broken tooth was a natural tooth , on the other side of it was a porcelain bridge. A few seconds thought to work out what best to do to get him back on the road.

All the necessary materials were assembled by my two Dental nurses in moments as I snappily called out what was required. In about 10 minutes flat we, painlessly sealed off the broken tooth at gum level, taken digital images for the patient to take to his own dentist, constructed a tooth, by hand, from tooth-coloured filling resin and built this up, bonding it to the adjacent teeth. No time to take any "after" pictures, the patient was out of the chair the moment I said- "Done".

No injections, no pain. Just a temporary tooth and the patient was on his way,  together with pictures and a full  printed description of the treatment, to take to his own dentist, in time to catch the coach waiting outside and of course, having paid his fee. Phew…. Back to the presentation but that’s another story.

Afterwards the team were all buzzed up. They said they felt like they had been in a scene from E.R.
Still I'd prefer not to spend every lunch-hour this way but sometimes, stuff just happens.

By the way If you know anyone with loose denture teeth that would like an elegant and simple solution please let them know we can help.

Please call and speak to Chris on 01635 47757

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