Monday, August 01, 2011

Teeth Cleaning Heaven!

Do you  just hate the thought of having their teeth cleaned? Even though having teeth cleaned professionally is an important part of your well-being and health routine?

If so. We may well have the answer.  Happy Air Sedation.

We are nationally known for our expertise with this simple sedation technique, mainly used to help people with dental anxiety BUT even if you are not normally anxious about visiting the dentist (and well over -50% of people are), Happy Air Sedation, will totally transform your experience of having teeth cleaned.

You will be aware of the treatment but will not mind a bit about it. You will feel calm, relaxed, with a "far-away" sensation. Your arms and legs are likely to feel warm and floaty and you won't care less about having your teeth cleaned. Your mouth, teeth and gums will be much less sensitive too. Does thois sound like an improvement to what you are used to or have been putting up with?

Happy Air Sedation will provide such a different experience for you and you will recover within a few minutes and be ready to leave the practice after 30 minutes, with a totally clean and sparkly smile.
The science bit...

By the way, it is very important to maintain healthy gums. It will mean fresher breath and much more.
As many people now know, more adults lose teeth from poor gum health than through tooth decay, so keeping healthy gums helps keep your teeth for life.  More than that, connections are now being made between gum health and your heart and even strokes, possibly more besides.

So why wait.? Call us today to discuss this option. 01635 47757

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