Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Not all toothache is caused by bad teeth

There are many reasons for toothache or pains around the face and jaws. Most commonly it is due to a bad tooth (decayed) or poor gum health - sometimes an abscess in the tooth or the gum may be involved.
However, a little dental detective work may reveal a less obvious problem but readily fixable problem
Today I received this story from one of my regular patients.

"After suffering with discomfort on he right upper side of my mouth for probably in excess of 2 years possibly more, I spoke to Richard about it, I did not know how really to describe it other than a tenderness/aching sensation which I could not pinpoint to any one tooth just a generalised area, it was not constant but usually worse at the end of the day, I suppose I began to just put up with it because I had no idea what it was but it was really annoying and was getting me down.  Richard suggested that it could be connected  with my 'bite' being wrong, after he had  ruled out any other likely cause. We went ahead with the procedure to adjust my bite to correct it  and the relief was almost instant. Now I rarely get the aching sensation, and if I do it is much less severe or long lasting than previously, if it gets to a level where it becomes less tolerable I know I can return to have things checked out in case more adjustments need to be made. So if you think something is wrong but don't know what it is then this is something worth considering having checked out."

So if you have an uncomfortable tooth don't delay - call today on 01645 47757.

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