Friday, May 28, 2010

This could just save your life or that of someone close to you.

At this mornings weekly business breakfast meeting f the Jack O'Newbury chapter of BNI, I chose to devote my 60 seconds "sales pitch" to a serious subject. Mouth Cancer. The reason why I chose to do this today was that each week ,we normally tell a brief story of the previous week's matters of  business interest.

My story today was as  follows:

Yesterday I saw a 57 years old male patient for a review. I last saw him for some routine dental care in September 2009. At that time he came for a visit and mentioned that he had had an odd sensation when swallowing, as if something was irritating the back of his tongue of throat. He had seen his doctor but it was felt nothing to be too concrned about. However he was still perturbed. I made it very clear that he must return to his doctor for a more detailed examination and to take matters further.

He did just that. It transpired that what he had was a malignant cancer of his tonsils on one side- quite unusual but apparently more cases are being seen in recent times. He was a non-drinker and a non-smoker.

The result for him over last Christmas and New Year was 30 sessions of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and an extensive operation of his neck and face area. He has pulled through to date and we wish him well, naturally. As he also knows, time will tell.

CANCER can occur in any part of the mouth, tongue, lips, throat, salivary glands, pharynx, larynx, sinus, and other sites located in the head and neck area.

These "Mouth Cancers" have a higher proportion of deaths per number of cases than breast cancer, cervical cancer or skin melanoma.

Much more vital information can be found at the Mouth Cancer Awarness Foundation
If you have any concerns about anything unusual in the mouth, throat, neck, sinuses, palate or gums PLEASE don't delay, visit your dentist. They are all highly trained in knowing what to look for, if anything is out of the ordianry and will arrange a rapid referral if there is any doubt.
We do change smiles and change lives and just occasionally may even have a hand in saving lives too.

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