Friday, October 30, 2009

Dental anxiety cured -BNI member's Testimonial

I have been a member of the Jack O'Newbury Chapter of BNI for just over two years and have had the privelage of looking after a number of the member's dental needs.
Recently we took care of a painful problem for one member, who normally steers well clear of dentists! He's not alone of course.
Today he stood up in front of 40 local business people and read of the following testimonial for me, which is copied here. A helium moment for me! Here it is as he wrote it.
I thought I would write you a testimonial for the outstanding treatment you recently gave me.
I am a very nervous patient when it comes to dentists and the thought of someone prodding in and around a tooth that was already giving me pain, picking up the phone and calling you was the best thing I could have done.
The treatment required and the options available were clearly explained and with your calming voice and music I have never felt more comfortable sitting in the dreaded chair.
My toothache has gone and although I know that more treatment is required I felt that I can no longer be in fear of the dentist, just as long as Richard, happy air and Jean-Michel Jarre are in there to back me up.
I would recommend Richard and his staff to anyone who is looking for regular dental care or emergency treatment. They do exactly what the name says. "NewburySmilemakers" "

John Oram


Unknown said...

You may have heard this treatment described in many ways:anxiety-free dentistry, or relaxation dentistry, ,moderate sedation, oral conscious sedation or even sleep dentistry The best and most accurate name is sedation dentistry. Modern dentistry now offers safe, effective, and comfortable treatments to anxious and fearful patients.Depending on levels of dental fear, dentist can use various levels of sedation to help make your dental visit as comfortable as possible.Tell dentist your dental phobia as the patient did to dr Richard; don’t let it stew inside of you.
Dentist India

dемéŧяіцѕ said...

consultório odontológico em Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina, dentista em Balneário Camboriú, Itajaí, Aparelho de ortodontia, dor de dente, implantes, clínica geral, hora marcada, raio-x panorâmico, moldagem dos dentes, documentação de ortodontia, Aparelho grátis, documentação grátis, aparelho + documentação, radiologia, clareamento, Aparelhos fixos metálicos, Aparelhos cerâmicos, Aparelhos móveis acrílicos, Extração de dentes , tratamento de canal, coroas, facetas, escova de dentes, higiene bucal, profllaxia, aplicação de flúor, prótese fixa, prótese móvel, Raio- X Periapical, Raio-X Oclusal, Interproximais, Teleradiografia com traçado, Levantamento Periapical. cáries, máu hálito, sorriso, sorria, boca, dentista, tratamento odontológico, resinas, selantes, Odontopediatria, Reabilitação Oral, Endodontia, clínica de odontologia, preço acessível, parcelamento, consultório,

dемéŧяіцѕ said...

consultório odontológico em Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina, dentista em Balneário Camboriú, Itajaí, Aparelho de ortodontia, dor de dente, implantes, clínica geral, hora marcada, raio-x panorâmico, moldagem dos dentes, documentação de ortodontia, Aparelho grátis, documentação grátis, aparelho + documentação, radiologia, clareamento, Aparelhos fixos metálicos, Aparelhos cerâmicos, Aparelhos móveis acrílicos, Extração de dentes , tratamento de canal, coroas, facetas, escova de dentes, higiene bucal, profllaxia, aplicação de flúor, prótese fixa, prótese móvel, Raio- X Periapical, Raio-X Oclusal, Interproximais, Teleradiografia com traçado, Levantamento Periapical. cáries, máu hálito, sorriso, sorria, boca, dentista, tratamento odontológico, resinas, selantes, Odontopediatria, Reabilitação Oral, Endodontia, clínica de odontologia, preço acessível, parcelamento, consultório,

Dr. David Cheng said...

Thanks for the post. Many people suffer from dental anxiety and can be reassured that there are dentists out there that understand their condition.
dentist vaughan