Friday, January 07, 2011

The Wand: Dental Pain Barrier Broken for One Patient

Today I saw a patient for the second time. The first time was 3 months ago. He is a thirty-something chap who hasn't seen a dentist for some years. A French national. Two of his top back teeth are so far gone that they cannot be saved.

He came today to start some simple filling work on front teeth as above but he has had problems. One of the broken- down, top back teeth, due for removal, had been troubling him and another front tooth, due for a small filling had lost a much bigger filling with lots of tooth decay underneath and it needed more urgent treatment.

Well I removed the pieces of the broken tooth and dealt with the large filling in the front tooth. At the end he said;  "That is the first time I've been to the dentist and had no pain. You were very professional. If I had known you before, I would have come before my teeth got so bad."

What a shame for this nice chap. Anyway is is on the road to dental recovery now.
We used The Wand® to anaesthetise (numb) the two teeth.   It is a revoultion and I was one of the UK's first dentists to use it. We have had it for 6 years now and NEVER USE SYRINGES for injections.  The Wand® is so much more gentle. A similar but differently designed gadget, that does the same thing, is beng marketed to dentists  and patients as Single Tooth Anaesthesia.  Remember at Newbury Smilemakers, we have been using this daily for 6 years, so we are way ahead of the game!

This means that often, but not always, a lower back tooth can be put to sleep without numbing the side of the tongue, the lip and the chin which is the normal way this has been done in the past

If you want to know more or know someone who would benefit, call us in Newbury on 01635 47757 and speak to Chris for friendly, professional and knowledgable advice or e-mail


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